However, after a short while, the demon family thought that what had happened to the white hair was that there was a power to pick Jin Xian to kill them.

Before they die?
It should be because the demon race can stop it.
"the whole army!"
Gently cough a few a lucky demon race lieutenant struggled to get up and make way.
He ordered it?
Because of the leading demon, his lieutenant at the same level was blown to death by Zichen, and he was the highest among the demon families.
"We came to destroy the Terran with great lives, but we were suddenly surprised before we started. We have lost more than half our manpower!"
"The soldiers who are still alive are even more wounded."
"So shall we continue to attack the Terran?"
Counting a loss demon race lieutenant said with a heavy face.
This loss is too great.
It’s not too much to say that the strength is different.
Of course, it’s easier to destroy the Terran with 5,000 elites than with 1,000 wounded people, but it’s not certain whether they can destroy the Terran.
Now the lieutenant hesitated.
I don’t know whether to continue to attack Terran or return to Heaven for self-cultivation.
"Of course you have to fight!"
"The demon god’s adult will send me here at a great cost. If we withdraw from heaven before we make moves, will the demon god’s adult let me go easily?"
"And the Terran is only a day after tomorrow, and the race is what we have suffered. Different strengths can also exterminate the race."
Lieutenant just finished a demon race soldiers even refused to say
Hundreds of demon gods joined forces to send them here, not to let them come and play, but to run back without any results. Isn’t that a death wish?
It is said that all terrans have to win a game, but the so-called main thing is to let the adults see that they have tried their best.
"that’s good!"
"You charge with me!"
Lieutenant obviously also white this truth to see all the people have no objection and point his troops toward the immortal dragon city to kill.
Immortal Dragon City!
Here out so big action Terran master is obviously see to kill the demon race elite.
They are really surprised and angry.
Surprise is the time when the demon race is elite.
Anger is that this group of demon elite is too dismissive of them!
More than a hundred people dare to attack the Terran, and they are all wounded.
How contemptuous they are!
Even individuals can’t stand this anger.
"Fuck the demon race. It’s cruel."
"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!"
"Today, even if I give up this life, I will leave this group of demon families."
At that time, I saw that the Terran master who rushed to the demon army was red-eyed, and I couldn’t wait to eat it alive.
Chapter four hundred and sixty-five Swallow the sky and eat the earth
Before the Immortal Dragon City, the demon elite body mana spewed out, and the stars and stars were connected to attract the power of the stars and stars.
Suddenly the demon race elite has 36 virtual shadows of ancient stars.
Thirty-six days of the highest star!
This is the plough array!
The demon race has mastered the stars on Sunday for many years, so it is naturally impossible to perform a large array of stars on Sunday. Of course, there are many, many arrays of stars on Sunday.
For example, the seven-star array, the plough, the big position and the big array
The elite of the demon race is naturally beyond the cannon fodder of the demon race. Compared with them, they are the demon race, better equipped and more powerful.