Zhen Fu faint smile immediately turned into injustice and looked at JiFan "I am your wife! I am not here, where is it! "

Ji Fan looked around and asked, "Where is Liu Ying?"
Zhen Fu injustice ask "husband, so don’t like me? Sister Liu Ying, where is he? "Sandy pointed to the bathroom.
"Hey ~ ~ ~!"
The door opened and Liu Ying came out blushing and naked.
Ji Fan left a nosebleed on the spot and swallowed hard and said, "What do you want?" There is this trembling in the sound. Is it going to be pushed back today?
Zhen Fu once again climbed Ji Fan’s body and feet tightly around Ji Fan’s waist. There was a hint of temptation in Lori’s temperament and asked, "What do you think we want to do?"
Chapter 15 Spring scenery life and death
It is very important that Ji Fan is not Liu Hui!
It’s a bit of a wave if you don’t do something with such an attractive posture and such an attractive scene.
But now JiFan gray often serious like a thing!
What the hell is this Zhen Fu doing?
Zhen Ji lotus root arm gently move sends out a burst of attractive fragrance and fiercely ignites the flame in the depths of JiFan. Take off JiFan clothes and charm and throw a glad eye at Liu Ying and say, "Sister Liu Ying, come here! Do as I say. "
JiFan gave a shiver "what are you doing! You’re forcing another crime, okay? You are wrong! Aunt Zhen Fu, let me go! "
Zhen Fu’s beautiful eyes are full of smiles. Obviously, Ji Fan’s movements are very funny to him.
JiFan see Zhen Fu attitude is very firm good turned to constantly leaned Liu Ying said "jade-like stone son I know you are the most lovely don’t listen to his nonsense you can’t believe it! Let’s discuss it. You know, my mother’s ideas are quite conservative, you know! "
Zhen Fu immediately erected a two-character hand.
Liu Ying shyly nodded darling walked to come over to return JiFan pants.
But at this moment, a man outside shouted, "Brother! Come out for a drink! Ah! Come out to eat meat! No more? I went in! "
Zhen Fu immediately showed a look of hate to itch his teeth, and he couldn’t wait to run out and tear up that wretched fat!
Liu Yingze panicked and hid in the quilt like a rabbit, but she didn’t dare to come out. In her heart, she plopped and thought, "I’m ashamed! Throw people to death! "
Ji Fan can’t wait to go out and hug the fat face at the moment. Thank you so much! You are the most considerate when you are with a stranger at the key moment!
Hurriedly should way "coming" then small said to Zhen Fu "hurry up! Otherwise, my brother will come in and see how you end up! "
Zhen Fu’s teeth itch with hate! Runai is so loose!
JiFan suit wrapped up and ran out a door to see fat eyes gather together in the crack of the door to see a kick in the past, yelling "don’t let me catch you peeking or I’ll skin you! Go to the lobby! "
Fat wretched smile fart Dian fart with JiFan away.
Ji Fan breathed a sigh of relief and stared at the door for a long time. There seems to be no hole in it, so I can rest assured! Trot with fat Wang Qiang.
When I arrived in the hall, Lu Xun sat there with a grim face and saw Ji Fan coming. He said to Ji Fan with a heavy face, "Your Majesty, some people instigated the villagers and spread rumors that there was a cottage with thousands of troops to attack this village. Only one person of the two armies will surely be flattened and blocked at the entrance of the village!"
JiFan heart sank wanted to think or say "let them go! They live a comfortable life. I didn’t know this was a continent full of flames! This is a cruel continent. Let them out! Let them go! "
Lu Xun nodded and said, "All right! Master, I’m not doing well! "
JiFan patted and said, "It’s normal. You’re out of your mind. Who are you? You burned Liu Bei for 700 Li! Reply to a state of mind! "
Lu Xun bowed his head and said a word.
JiFan went outside and looked at the bags. There are several double armies in married with children! JiFan expression said, "fellow villagers, I say a word! You want to leave, but when you leave, you must return your equipment. You are no longer qualified to be a foot soldier of the two armies! You’ve thrown away your glory! Once upon a time! When there are dozens of people in our village, we have repeatedly resisted foreign enemies! Hutou Mountain Village! Angry bear stronghold! Sanfangzhai! Wait! And those soldiers who fought with me in bing! You are no longer qualified to wear that set of black iron armor! Now the villagers want to go, but they can go, sergeant. No! You don’t have this qualification! You traitors, please return your equipment! Thank you! "
All the soldiers said that they were ashamed, stripped off their equipment and fled away.
Ji Fan knew that the moment they left the village, the strength department they trained disappeared! Turned into a young man before entering the village!
Li Gui furtively mixed in the middle of the village name to reveal a happy look.
Ji Fan smiled coldly, his eyes were full of frost, and his toes wanted to know who encouraged him!
It’s easy for Li Guijia to help spread rumors with one or two double armies, but Ji Fan believes that they will come back soon! I’ll slowly clean it up then! Hum!
Lu Xun is doing ideological education for those two armies at the moment! Educate them what a soldier is!
Everyone on earth knows what the duty of a soldier is!
Follow orders!
Lu Xun is instilling this idea in them! Is he determined not to let this happen again? He can’t even handle such a small thing because he is a governor and runs the country.