Julie looked at her daughter with a complicated mood.

Yuanyuan and Feng Hongwei flew to Hebei first, and then there was a car waiting for them in Hebei. A military car was waiting for the driver, who was dressed in a military uniform and tall and strong. Yuanyuan felt that this person was very familiar. Where did he look?
"Feng Er, am I mistaken that your bend has become straight?" The man looked at Feng Hongwei and joked.
"Give me less loquacious, my daughter. You leave some words here." Feng Hongwei punched him.
Yuanyuan just remembered this. Didn’t you take Dong Dong Feng Yi in the first place? How did she remember how he came here when he wasn’t here?
"Yuanyuan still remembers me!" Feng Yi smiled at Song Yuanyuan with a wink. "How did you get mixed up with Feng Er? It’s so sad. There are many men in the world, and this one is much better than him."
"Brother Feng, thank you for remembering me." Yuanyuan held her daughter in her arms, "Fan Fan called uncle."
Fan Fan held her mother’s neck and saw this stranger’s uncle with a flat mouth, "Uncle".
"It’s so cute. I didn’t expect you to have such a big child. It’s not really Feng Er!" Feng Yi was really surprised. Did Feng Er Shao really straighten up?
"Not every child is my child" Yuanyuan said clearly.
"Let’s take the car first! Living place has been arranged. "Feng Yi is smart enough not to say more to her car door. Feng Hongwei saluted her and took the car. She also followed a photographer.
"Eldest brother, I remember you are not jiangbei there? What will come to Hebei? " Yuan asked after the car
"It’s the right time to shoot a documentary this time. Now it’s a confrontation exercise between the red and green teams, which can definitely let you shoot something that you can’t get at ordinary times. Of course, the military here will let you shoot it or not." Feng Yi laughed.
Yuanyuan is also excited to listen. She knows that the military confrontation exercise is true, so she can see the strength of the army. If she can get first-hand information, her record of this issue will be successful.
"You must be tired. Go back and have a good rest first." Feng Yi said in front.
It’s true that when she was tired, she was dizzy when she came by plane, and now she fell asleep when a car was planted in her mother’s arms.
Once again, returning to the military area command Yuanyuan has a long-lost sense of familiarity. She was here before and thought that at that time, her mood was complicated, and it seemed that she had not changed at all after more than two years.
"Or Feng Er has a way to even bring you found it." Feng Yi stopped to bring her a salute.
"Let me hold Fanfan!" Feng Hongwei, who is asleep and hasn’t woken up, stretched out his hand and hugged him.
"No, I’m good." Yuanyuan held Fan Fan and the photographer together and found her a two-bedroom apartment. She and Fan Fan Feng Hongwei and the photographer.
At this time, Yuanyuan felt more admired by Feng Hongwei. She felt fine living in such a place, and life abroad was not much comfortable. She was used to raising children and working, but Feng Hongwei was an expensive second young master who could stand such a place, which really made her regard sb with special respect.
Wake up and rub your eyes when you get back to Fang Fanfan "Mommy"
"To the baby" Yuanyuan let her daughter sit on the bed and sort things out by herself.
"I’ll fetch water for you, so that Fanfan can wash his face and take a bath." Feng Hongwei said very positively.
"It’s the first time I’ve seen Feng Ershao do this to a child." One side of Feng Yi laughed. "Yuanyuan, if you really straighten him out, the amount of merit"
Yuanyuan had to say, "She is the first girl’s heart, but it’s not me, but this one. She can make Fanfan call him a bunch of dad and he came here with me all the way."
Sealing game first one leng and then his heart "every lovely this eyebrow eye is somewhat familiar? It seems that parents have good genes. "
Yuanyuan smiled bitterly. "Thank you, Brother Feng, today. We won’t delay you. I have to take a bath and change clothes for Fanfan and take her to dinner."
"Well, when you have a rest and eat first, I’ll ask you to practice in the right day. It’s best that you can get permission today." Feng Yi blinked at her and smiled and said that he had to change from Chapter 48.
Before she bathed Fanfan, someone knocked at the door. When she went to the door, it was Ye Nan.
"I just saw you come over and thought you might have a hot water kettle here. I brought two pots here and a new washbasin was not clean." Ye Nan said with a hot water bottle in one hand and a bucket in the other.
"Thank you" Yuanyuan showed a grateful smile.
"Can I help you?" Ye Nan asked, "It’s convenient to eat in the canteen and have a bathhouse in front."
"Thank you," Yuanyuan asked her to come in and sit down. "I just got here and I’m afraid I can’t even buy you water to drink."
"No, you’re welcome." Ye Nan looked at her bed child. "This is Fanfan Bar. It’s so cute."
Anyone who sits on the bed and plays when he hears someone calling his name looks up and looks down when he sees a stranger.
"Anyone who calls her aunt"
All who looked up at the eyes again and lowered his head not to talk.
Yuanyuan is a little embarrassed. Anyone who is very good at ordinary times is called sweet and embarrassed. She smiled at Ye Nan "sorry."
"Nothing every child! I won’t bother you. I walked first. "Ye Nan turned and went out with a face of surprise.
She nodded and watched Ye Nan leave.
"Fanfan, you were naughty just now. Why don’t you call people?" Yuanyuan sat down on the bed and said to her daughter
Fan Fan’s grievance raised his head. "I don’t like that aunt!"
"Why don’t you like that aunt?"
"I don’t like it." Where can I say it? Her little face collapsed with her toy in her arms.
"Don’t do this again, you know? Don’t be rude, "Yuanyuan said to her daughter.