Hou Xiaotian stepped up his long knife to cut off the old man’s body when he was slightly fat.

Although the black long Dao in Zhang Xiaotian’s hand has no magic weapon characteristics, the chubby old man doesn’t recognize how powerful it is, but he doesn’t want it to hit the slight side of the long Dao in the inter-body body.
Zhang Xiaotian, however, turned into seven knife shadows when he shook the long knife with one hand. It was Zhang Xiaotian who came up with the seven-star knife from the seven-star wandering step and the two-instrument knife. A knife shadow just appeared in the direction where the chubby old man hid.
Zhang Xiaotian mind a knife that knife shadow instantly split in the direction of the old man.
Listen to "Snoop!" A knife tip left a tiny scar on the chubby old man!
It’s a shame that the chubby old man was slightly angry and hurt by a ghost-shaped kid. He was just about to stab Zhang Xiaotian with his sword again, but he couldn’t help but burst into dizziness and spiritual energy, and his body trembled when he couldn’t move.
Zhang Xiao, as a heavenly heart, knew that the opportunity had come when he struck the chubby old man with a long knife.
The body moves, and a figure instantly appears beside the chubby old man. Although the chubby old man was struck by a long knife, Zhang Xiaotian is not sure about the effect of the long knife on the ghost’s self-cultivation. To be on the safe side, he cast his footwork.
Sticking one hand to the body of the chubby old man in black immediately sealed the chubby old man inside, revealing a head outside, which was quite funny.
Seeing that the chubby old man is surrounded by a layer of black matter, there are five Li family ghosts, and his face will change. A few days ago, they saw that the body joints of the five elders in the family were covered by this layer of black matter. So far, they have not solved it, and they have no way to solve it. But now the chubby old man has been banned by this layer of black matter, which makes them feel surprised.
"whoosh! Whoosh Whoosh-"the five figures ran to Zhang Xiaotian together and had no scruples about what a shame it was to do so. Compared with Zhang Xiaotian’s black ban, it made them feel more terrible.
Zhang Xiaotian was surprised to see five figures running towards him. I didn’t expect his black substance to ban the slightly fat old man just now. These ghosts still dare to shoot themselves. Can they solve this black substance ban? Zhang Xiaotian thought in surprise, but he didn’t know how difficult the theory was. It was forbidden to kill the forbidden person, so his prohibition would make it ineffective and the black matter would disappear. It was with this idea that they dared to kill Zhang Xiaotian so boldly.
However, at this time, Hou Zhangxiaotian will not think about anything.
Body movement, seven stars, lost steps, two meter steps and four elephants, Zhang Xiaotian, put it to good use together, and then the figure kept appearing. In a short time, a small area was full of Zhang Xiaotian figures, a total of 56!
The more posture Zhang Xiaotian displays now, the worse his control ability will be. This 56 is already the limit. Zhang Xiaotian faintly feels that if there are a few more figures, he may not be able to display them.
The posture advantage immediately made up for the degree gap. Fifty-six figures Zhang Xiaotian can appear in place with his thoughts.
But after all, it’s five ghosts, and it’s so horrible. Although Zhang Xiaotian’s mind reacts quickly enough, the four elephants definitely Zhang Xiaotian didn’t master it for too long. Some figure positions Zhang Xiaotian is not familiar with, and occasionally mistakes are made and a magic weapon is likely to fall into the wrong position.
These five ghosts will make ghost repairs from the previous five elders and the slightly fat old man’s body, and it is not the experience that Zhang Xiao’s body collides with heaven and earth, which directly makes Zhang Xiaotian’s body intersect with his magic weapon.
"dang! Bang! Dang-"Although Zhang Xiaotian tried his best to dodge, his body occasionally collided with their magic weapon.
Every time I touch Zhang Xiaotian’s fifty-six phantoms, I will have a meal. I can’t help it. Although his black substance is very hard, his body is a ghost-shaped medium-term ghost-shaped body. The ghost-shaped body is still very weak compared with its strength. He can try to avoid the key points.
See Zhang Xiaotian five ghosts will ghost fix a dogfight Yang Xiao heart dark scold a shame and then rushed to the seven-star maze step and four-step exhibition at the same time twenty Yang Xiao phantoms suddenly appeared in the yard, and now Yang Xiao can also control twenty phantoms, no matter how many, but these twenty figures entered the arena and Zhang Xiaotian immediately solved half the pressure.
"Bang bang!"
A battle between two ghosts and five ghosts will be held in the hall of Lee’s manor.
As early as the moment when the Lee family began to practice ghost repair, many fine ghost repairs flashed back. It is not something they can stop. In case of some waves, they can stand it.
I was shocked to see two ghost-shaped imps fighting with five ghosts, and the ghost-shaped imps and all the ghosts were dazzled. There were such strong imps! Doesn’t this surprise them?
It’s really unexpected that these two ghost-shaped imps are so powerful that they can fight against ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-shaped ghost-
And the five Li family ghost will ghost repair is also more and more surprised. They also made five moves at the same time to instantly decide the war situation, but they didn’t expect Zhang Xiaotian and Yang Xiaodi to use such a strange posture. They made moves in front of the ghost repair who came to the wedding to make them testify that Zhang Dianfei was speechless, but they didn’t expect that it had become a factor that interfered with them now.
"Ya to the lee family shame! Unexpectedly, five ghosts will mend their ghosts and hit two ghosts! "
"Shame is shame! It’s not only a shame to fight two out of five, but also a higher level than others. It’s not only a shame but also an idiot to fight for so long! Only an idiot can be so stupid! "
"I just didn’t expect ghosts to fix such rubbish. At that time, six ghosts would appear at the same time, which shocked me. It was really disappointing to watch this battle for so long!"
Although all the ghosts are suppressed very low, the words that belittle the Li family are getting into the fighting from time to time. The five ghosts of the Li family will be repaired and the ears will be extended for a long time, and they will not be able to attack for a long time. I can’t help but feel a little annoyed.
"Those two kids can’t hold on to their health any longer!" When all the ghosts are talking about it in succession, a loud voice covers the whole hall, so that the five ghosts who have been attacking for a long time will be shocked and suddenly stepped up their hand attacks.
The ghosts looked back in the direction of the sound. It was the chubby old man who was imprisoned by black matter. At this time, the chubby old man was protected by the ghosts of the Li family.
By this time, all the ghosts’ voices were weak and finally disappeared. Just now, the slightly fat old man shouted, which actually contained thick coercion, which inspired the five ghosts to wake up their ghosts. The coercion made their hearts tremble. Just now, all kinds of contempt for the Li family could not help but disappear.
After the ghost repair in the hall was quiet, the chubby old man was slightly satisfied and turned his head back to the battlefield with a gloomy face. Just now, he tried this black substance outside his body, which was very hard, and he could break it with all his strength.
As the chubby old man said, Zhang Xiaotian and Yang Xiaodi’s body is almost unable to hold on to the magic weapon. Black matter collides with anti-shock energy, so that their blood and blood can’t churn, but they are all crushed in the body. If they stop, they can’t move any more. Five ghosts will be repaired, but they are eyeing up and watching them.
Zhang Xiao, as a heavenly heart, secretly scolded the Li family for not only bullying the small but also bullying the small. Five ghosts will come to beat themselves. Two ghosts will scold Zhang Dianfei for being ungrateful. He called him so many big brothers for nothing. Even when he was in the key, Niang knew that he was so ungrateful, so he pulled all three eagles and three of them, and it wouldn’t be so sad now. I’m afraid it’s really difficult this time. Without these five ghosts, they can’t run away. Now they can rely on their posture to fight and wait for the opportunity to appear.
Yesterday, Jinsha went to bed early yesterday and got up early today. Today, Jinsha can code words! Connected to the internet, Jinsha has also coded so much! Ha ha! Fourteen thousand chapters! Over all the previous words per day! Let’s smash the tickets! Don’t be reluctant to subscribe because of the number of words! Ask for a subscription! Please subscribe …)
Chapter one hundred and sixty Crazy!
Zhang Xiaotian looked around at the onlookers. If he and Yang Xiaodi now ran to those onlookers, then the five ghosts of the Li family would be bound to be tied behind their backs, and the pressure on him and Yang Xiao would be greatly reduced. But this is not Zhang Xiaotian’s will. He wants to take Li Yaner away. It’s nothing to do.
Zhang Xiaotian, they still have a killer weapon, that is, a strong mental attack, but this killer weapon must not be used when it is not pressed. Although Zhang Xiaotian is not afraid of other ghosts to recognize that he has a magic weapon to control strong mental waves, it may not be effective now, and it may even alert them.
It can be seen that these five ghosts are very wary of the Zhang Xiaotian brothers. They are ghosts at all, and they look down on them because they don’t have physical contact and don’t let their black long knives touch their bodies, and they don’t attack them mentally. Although this situation has also reduced some pressure on Zhang Xiaotian and Yang Xiaodi, it has made Zhang Xiaotian’s black long knives and black bans work out. Zhang Xiaotian, in the heart, is so angry that he just got the secret of this black substance. If he is really skilled, he is not very skilled in control. Very well, they can be imprisoned together with their bodies as soon as their magic weapon touches their bodies, but when the other side moves and cuts their bodies, he can’t grasp the position and position at all, otherwise they would have been imprisoned in black cages.
"Dad! You said that if you wanted me to marry Su Tai, you would let them go! How do you … you are quick to make them stop! " Outside the battlefield, Li Yaner ran to the head of the Li family, Li Tie, and pleaded that there was no sadness at all because of Su Tai’s death.
"Hum! Did you marry Su Tai? " Li Tie sneer at a asks.
"I …" Li Yan son want to say what is from the retort.
Eyes looking at the battlefield Li Tie face rain or shine, to be honest, even if he wanted to let Zhang Xiaotian go at this time, it was impossible for the six ancestors of the Li family to be here. How could he command them? Besides, with so many ghost practices present, the Li family has come to this point, and this matter can no longer be solved peacefully. Otherwise, he wouldn’t mind having such a powerful son-in-law to blame them. No one thought that Zhang Xiaotian, the two ghost-shaped kids, would be so powerful and chubby. It was six ancestors who led him just now, and Li Tie also knew clearly.
"Dad! If you don’t stop, I … I will die in front of you! " See Yang Xiaodi and Zhang Xiaotian, the situation is getting worse and worse. Li Yan’s silver teeth are dark and his face is red and he said.
Hear Li Yan son say so Li Tie glanced back at her smile and said, "are you the Gongsun family here? Are you-are you that girl Ziyin? It’s best to die! If you want to die, you should die far away! " This time, the Lee family lost such a big face. Li Tie blamed Li Yan’s body for the root cause of the matter.
The five elders of that family also saw these things clearly in the partial temple. Although some shocked the strength of Zhang Xiaotian’s two brothers, he didn’t worry about anything. Now his best hope is to kill Zhang Xiaotian. Now the situation of Zhang Xiaotian’s two brothers is in jeopardy. It won’t be long before the Zhang Xiaotian brothers will be killed. I heard that Li Yaner threatened the five elders and sneered at Li Tie. It’s right that this is not a Gongsun family. She Li Yaner has no qualifications like Gongsun Ziyin. How can her words affect Li Tie and the six ancestors of the Li family? Although the Li family has lost a lot of face in front of many forces now, from now on, his family will fall into the hands of Li Tie, and he can honestly practice his face in the family and he is not much.
"You …" Hear Li Tie such words Li Yan son turned pale with transient.
"good! Xiao Xiao died and Yan Er didn’t live! Dad! I’m sorry your family take care … "Li Yan son bleak smile murmured.
"Before-"Li Yan son sword in his hand now jade neck gently stroke blood immediately splash! Li Yan’s county fell softly to the ground.
"Yan Yan son-"Li Tie felt something was wrong when he heard what Li Yan son had just said, but when he reacted, he had already given birth to this scene. What he said just now is just angry words. Anyway, Li Yaner is also his daughter! He was just talking about Li Yaner, but he didn’t think that Li Yaner really did it.
When I heard Li Tie exclaim, Yang Xiao couldn’t help looking back and suddenly stunned "Yan Er!" A pain shout Yang Xiao to Li Yan son ran to the ends of the earth.
Zhang Xiao, as in a surprised, didn’t expect Li Yaner to do so! Her heart secretly regretted that Zhang Xiao’s celestial pole ran to Yang Xiao’s land. Just now, Yang Xiao had a seven-star maze and the four elephants definitely lost their phantoms and disappeared immediately! If it weren’t for the five ghosts’ ghost-mending due to Li Yan’s son’s death, Yang Xiao would have died in those five ghosts’ ghost-mending magic weapon. Perhaps he realized that Yang Xiao had threatened them. They took the idea of divide-and-conquer and Yang Xiao didn’t display that strange posture now. Now they can send anyone casually to kill Yang Xiao. Zhang Xiaotian had to rush to Yang Xiao for emergency.
But how can Zhang Xiao’s heaven and earth drive out ghosts and fix them? The Lee family sent four people to stop Zhang Xiaotian and the other one to kill Yang Xiaodi.
"whoosh!" Zhang Xiaotian mind move a mental attack wave immediately to the ghost will shoot after Yang Xiao.
The wave of mental attack is much faster than that of the ghost. If the ghost won’t stop the wave of mental attack, it will definitely hit him hard. If he stops it, Zhang Xiaotian will have a chance to catch him and hinder his action.
Feel the cold wind behind Yang Xiao’s heart and wake up from the sadness just now! Eyes transient grief, if it weren’t for the five ghost will ghost xiu yan son how could you die?
"kill!" Immediately, Yang Xiao’s anger suddenly turned back towards the ghost behind him, which was a knife cut off.
See Yang Xiao to kill himself to sneer at the ghost in the future. If Yang Xiao displays his posture, then he still has some regard for it, but it’s simply funny to kill himself with a ghost in the future. Zhang Xiaotian’s mental attack on him is also going to reflect on a mental attack to resist, but how can he let go of such a great opportunity now? Ghost-shaped medium-term imp mental attack He doesn’t care about his body that protective clothing is enough to stop ignoring the direct sword to stab Yang Xiao’s head.
See eyes very stab to a sword Yang Xiaodi is completely awake! In my heart, I can’t help but feel a little desperate. Now he has no time to hide and display his posture. He can instantly realize that a mental attack wave will shoot at the ghost, but he knows that before his mental attack wave hits the other side, the other side’s sword will stab himself in the head.
When Yang Xiao was desperate, Zhang Xiao’s spiritual attack wave finally hit the ghost who would cultivate himself.
Yang Xiao to see the sword in front of him, a slight meal in front of him, the ghost will show a horrified expression. Although I don’t know what the reason is, Yang Xiao won’t miss this opportunity. He stepped up his long black knife and cut it instantly to the other side’s neck.
"Sniff!" Watching Yang Xiao’s long knife in his hand across his neck, the ghost will take a ghost course, but the root method will move to avoid him. It’s just that the ghost will take a mental self-defense ability in the later stage, and the protective clothing is weak, and it can only prevent the ghost-shaped peak from five hundred waves of mental attacks. How can you avoid Zhang Xiaotian’s strong mental attacks?
"Xiaowu!" See that ghost will be killed by Yang Xiaodi! The other four ghosts, including the chubby old ghost imprisoned by Zhang Xiaotian’s black substance, couldn’t help crying out in pain. They were all black old ghosts. They were closest to each other before and after their death. They had brothers, land and cousins, and Li Tie and Li Yaner didn’t know how many generations they were. Therefore, Li Yaner’s suicide surprised them but didn’t make them feel heartbroken. But this ghost was different. The six of them lived together for thousands of years, even if they had no friendship before their death. What’s more, they were brothers before their death.
This is the time!
Seeing that four ghosts will be absent in the future, Zhang Xiaotian seized the opportunity and four mental attack waves instantly shot at four ghosts.