The words sound just fell and erha suddenly leaned in and sniffed at Master Jiang.

Seems to be confirming something.
Is a moment and show vacant eyes.
Looking at this scene, Master Jiang suddenly moved in his heart and squinted at Husky.
"Do you know me?"
Erha cocked his head and remained at a loss.
Obviously not.
Master Jiang suddenly laughed.
"And how could you be that …"
According to that friend, huskies generally live for more than ten years, and it is rare to live for twenty years.
Counting how many years have passed.
That husky must have long since gone.
And that friend …
Don’t see each other again that year.
I don’t know how it is now.
From these few words, we can infer that there is a story in it.
But since master Jiang doesn’t say anything, he’s not going to ask.
He want to know more about that big hall.
"Master Jiang, you seem to know what’s behind that machine?"
I don’t know.
Master Jiang’s answer surprised Ling Tian.
See ling day seems not letter ginger master explained.
"I know that this hall is extremely dangerous and must not be easily entered."
"Especially at the top"
"Once it is started, it is likely to bring disaster!"
"Of course this means"
"But even if there’s a one-in-a-million chance, I can’t take the risk."
The more you listen to Master Jiang, the weirder Ling Tian’s expression becomes.
"As far as I know, the Jiang family seems to have no interest in this relic."
To be precise, Master Jiang is not interested.
But there are indications that Master Jiang is more familiar with this hall than anyone else.
Chapter 171 Do you want to be a jailer?
Now that you have spoken, Master Jiang is not going to hide it again.
Besides, when he decided to stop Ling Tian and others, he had already made plans to tell the whole story.
And he has one more thing to please Ling Tian.
"I am the jailer of this prison."
"Prison? Prison guard? "
These two words are understandable in Lingtian, but it is a bit weird to connect with this hall.
This hall doesn’t look like a prison in any way.
Master Jiang seems to have guessed his idea and continued
"The prison I’m talking about is not this hall, but the whole relic."
"You should have found the anomaly of this relic."
Ling Tian nodded. According to the map he got, the site should cover an area equivalent to four bear cities.
It sounds great, but it is much smaller than the distance between the two auxiliary cities.
But the entrance of this relic is distributed in several remote auxiliary cities separated by hundreds of Wan Li.
That’s weird
Master Jiang continued
"This relic is left over from ancient times, and how it was formed is so strange. I don’t know."
"It’s my job to make sure that those dangers don’t go out."
I heard that Ling Tian felt a little strange.
"In this case, you didn’t directly stop the Hongjia family from exploring the ruins?"
No one hits the ruins, and the danger will naturally break down.