Sima Xun and others looked at it for a few minutes. It was the attendants who stopped it desperately, so they didn’t go.

I didn’t go to join in the fun. Ningyun rode slowly at the foot of the mountain and enjoyed this leisurely atmosphere by listening to the sound of horseshoes stepping on the grass.
Everyone has a tacit understanding when they see her like this. Save some for her.
At this moment, I heard Ningyun sitting on a red horse, screaming loudly and screaming, and ran away.
Who ever thought horses would do this? ! Ningyun was immediately panicked. The first reaction was to hurry and hold on to the saddle to prevent the crazy horse from falling down.
Everyone rode out at the same time, Wei Yi and Sima Xun took the lead and rode around her.
Sima Xun stretched out his hand and pulled Ningyun’s reins, trying to stop the horse. Who knows that the crazy horse’s roots are out of control and the reins are torn off with a violent swing!
Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the wind stream, Wei Yi took a leap. Ningyun’s horse grabbed the horse’s mane in one hand and hugged Ningyun’s waist in the other. "Hold on tight and I’ll take you there."
Ningyun tried shaking his head and shouted, "No, my foot is stuck by the horse!"
Wei Yi immediately bent down to help her get her stuck foot out of the horse’s tread. But the more she panicked, the more restless she became. Yun was able to sit firmly in the saddle, and she did her best to stabilize her with one hand and the horse with the other, but she kept running and couldn’t get her feet out.
It’s not easy to break a horse’s foot with a fine iron. Seeing that the wind stream is getting closer and closer, the horse has no intention of slowing down.
"Kill the horse!" Zhou Quan rode his horse and forced him to yell at Sima Xun. One or two people at the same time started to attack the horse’s head.
Just when there was still a horse away from the wind stream, Wei Yi had a brainwave and broke the chain connecting the horses. The horses crashed to the ground instantly. Wei Yi held Ningyun in his arms and stretched out his hand to push them to avoid being crushed by horses.
But they rushed to a smooth rock, and the shady rock was covered with moss, so they couldn’t stop the momentum and slipped toward the wind stream.
The falling momentum is too strong. Wei Yi tried to hold on to the rock and stabilize himself, but the wind stream didn’t see the sun all the year round. Moss and weeds were everywhere. Only the fingertips buckled a small part of the rock to no avail!
Seeing that Sima Xun couldn’t wake up, he flew directly to catch Ningyun’s arm, but he couldn’t catch up with their falling momentum to catch Ningyun’s sleeve corner. But where can the summer shirt and skirt hold this strength? Sima Xun instantly tore NingYun a tulle sleeve when he landed.
The feeling be nasty did not avert suspicion Zhou Quan fly before hold NingYun snow-white lotus root arm Sima Xun is also quickly hold forward and Zhou Quan buckle her arm together.
Here is a wonderful gallop and a few steps ahead. Grab Wei Yi’s arm quickly!
However, everyone underestimated the sticky degree of moss, which not only failed to stop the trend of two people sliding, but also tried to hold them both and three people kept falling.
Ningyun saw that the situation was not good and struggled desperately. "Let me go and you can go yourself!"
Wei Yi’s eyes flashed for a moment, and she hugged her tighter with one hand and said firmly, "I won’t let go!"
SiMaXun is scold a way "have never seen you so stupid you won’t cry for help? !”
Say so, when everyone slides, no one really cares about his life and lets go.
"Are you all crazy? Who wants you to die with me! " Ningyun nu scold a way but now there are tears in his eyes.
It’s never occurred to her that the nobles didn’t let her run for her life alone these days!
The sharp wind whistling in her ear, her only thought of leaning in the center of generous and strong arms turned out to be
Someone is willing to do this. She will give her life even if she dies like this!
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 92 Black Wind Stream 2
Just because she gave up doesn’t mean everyone gave up.
Wei Yi held her in one hand and was caught by Miao in the other. Zhou Quan and Sima Xun exchanged glances and shouted at Miao, "Grab the rock and slow down the fall!"
Miao Wen-yan starts to grasp those protruding rocks constantly, even if he can’t grasp them, it can slow down the speed of several people falling.
It’s a distance down, and the speed really slows down after the three of them get up their strength and grab it.
After a distance of about 100 feet, Wei Yi suddenly shouted, "There is no protruding rock. Slap the cliff quickly!" "
The three men kept hitting the wall, causing the force to rebound and slow down.
At the end of the day, Sima Xun’s face showed a surprise expression. "It’s almost the end!"
Everyone’s spirit is full of vibration, but it seems that they have made a turn at the ghost gate when they take a short breath.
Holding NingYun Weiyi’s foot on the wall, several moves on the cliff soon fell to the ground, and several other people also landed lightly. Obviously, their flying skills were too great.
When Ann fell to the ground, Ningyun was so scared that she couldn’t hold her feet. As soon as Wei Yi let go, she would fall to the ground. Wei Yi could hold her gently again.
I don’t want to lean in Wei Yi’s arms all the time, especially Sima Xun and Zhou Quan’s eyes, which made her very uncomfortable. She whispered to Wei Yi, "Please help me to sit in front of the stone."
Although I really want to hug her all the time, I have to respect her meaning and help her to a rocky pile not far ahead. Ningyun found a gentle seat and took a long breath, only to find that her hands and feet were shaking badly unconsciously.
Her left arm sleeve was torn off by Sima Xun’s shoulder, revealing a little bean-red palace sand at the shoulder of the white lotus root arm, which was particularly eye-catching.
Zhou Quan suddenly remembered that when Liang Zuoxun broke into her yard, she couldn’t see her neck in the water. There was a different temptation when she saw it today.
In addition to deliberately looking at the side of the head, the other three people’s eyes fell on that deep red palace sand.
Consciousness swallowed saliva. Wei Yi took off his coat of a royal guard and put it on her. Ning Yun was grateful to him and smiled and stretched out his hand to wear his clothes outside to cover the snow-white spring.
Make sure everyone is ill, Wei Yi and Miao looked at each other and nodded at Zhou Quan, Ning Yun and Sima Xun and said, "Let’s go to explore the terrain first. There is a way to see if there is an exit to go out."
Both of them are the best of the younger generation, and they have swept through the past few ups and downs in a flash.
Ningyun shook for a while and Zhou Quan and Sima Xun kept comforting her by her side. The martial arts of these two people were not bad, which made her calm. After sitting for a while, her feet gradually gained strength and got up to look around and said, "It’s strange that there are rocks everywhere, but there are no traces of animals. I heard that many people here can’t find their bodies, but now they haven’t seen a skeleton."
Smell speech and Zhou Quan looked at each other Sima Xun smiled and said, "Not the kui is Miss Ning. I just found it. I never dared to say that I was afraid of scaring you. I didn’t expect you to find it yourself. It’s not that kind of Miss Jiao I think."
"I don’t know martial arts, but I can’t bear hardships." Ningyun smiled faintly and said.
Those months when she fled in the past life really made her suffer a lot, thanks to the hard experience at that time. Now, in her opinion, nothing will be more bitter than the past life.
Wait until Ningyun gets up to see the surrounding environment.
The two narrow roads are the widest, but the narrowest place where three horses can run side by side. A person can barely squeeze through, probably because there is no one all the year round. There are weeds everywhere in troubled times, but as she can see, she can’t see half an animal or a bone.
I carefully examined the walls on both sides. Sima Xun suddenly grabbed the cliff and climbed it for more than ten feet. He hung directly on the cliff like a gecko and watched it carefully for a long time before slowly falling down to the two men and said, "There are some strange marks on this wall, like what animals have grabbed them."
Thinking of the wilderness survival experience in previous lives, Ning Yun’s face changed. "Generally, there are very powerful animals in its lair, and no other small animals dare to be there."
Zhou Quan and Sima Xun both changed their faces and looked into the distance. Wei Yi and Miao did not come back.
After waiting for a while, Wei Yixian came back and tied the pheasant with three straw ropes in his hand. I don’t know how to catch it.
As soon as I stopped, I said, "There’s a dead end ahead, and there’s a gap leading to the ground not far away. I didn’t accidentally find these pheasants on a small platform about ten feet away."
When they saw the pheasant, they remembered that it was past lunch, and the narrow escape made everyone physically exhausted and had to eat something.
How can you cook when all the people here are people who don’t touch the water, food, clothing, housing and transportation?
Seeing that Zhou Quan and Sima Xun were all looking at themselves, Wei Yi picked up the three pheasants and said with a wry smile, "I can cook well, but now there is no water and no fire. How can I make a fire to cook?"
"It’s easy to make a fire." Ningyun came out and picked up some dry branches and hay piles together and gave Wei Yi a dry wood. "It’s easy to get out of Mars by drilling other firewood."
I saw Zhou Quan and Sima Xun’s waist scabbard pointing to a soft mud. "Please dig a hole in this scabbard for three chickens."
Watching Wei Yi drill out of Mars, she carefully knelt on the ground and blew the hay, watching the hay ignite the firewood, and a pile of firewood burned up.