Most people can’t help but look down at Su Wan’s high-heeled shoes when they smell it, and then they feel a pain in their bodies … If they are so high, don’t mention kicking them in people’s bodies, can they kick a hole in the turtle’s shell? Is that man okay …

After listening to Su Wan’s words, the police immediately went there to have a look and found that the man really couldn’t be kicked up and kept covering his own place, which also led him to not escape yet.
I don’t know whether to be happy or sympathetic …
This road also has monitoring. The police intercepted the monitoring and found that the scene was really like what Su Wan said-Su Wan didn’t start it first, but the man rushed towards Su Wan, but the ending was a little regrettable. The man was vulnerable and was directly kicked down. Su Wan belonged to self-defense in the whole incident.
The evidence is so clear, although it is oral language, but even so, it is enough for these two people. They hired those accomplices to drink a pot. The police thanked Su Wan and asked about the details at that time, and then they grabbed the people and got out of the car directly. Su Wan saw it was still early and would simply go to the orphanage.
Zou Yi took Su Wan to check the paintings and visited the orphanage. It was not particularly far away, so he sought Zou Yi’s advice and drove there.
Su Wan is still very excited about doing this for herself. "I really didn’t expect this thing to be driven away by me. If I didn’t go to the toilet, I might really be cheated! I feel angry when I think that those children who donated money can’t enjoy the material life! "
Zou Yi saw that Su Wan, who was sitting next to him, looked indignant, and his mouth slightly reminded him to get close to Su Wan. He kissed Su Wan on his forehead and said, "Anhui is the best in my family."
This aspect is indeed the advantage of Jiangsu and Anhui.
She’s like a lotus with no stain. She always thinks that the world is full of kindness. She’s willing to donate money to a group of children who have never met before. She’s willing to be stolen in the street. Grandma’s mobile phone is also willing to help those who need help regardless of her own safety, instead of looking on coldly. She thinks that if it doesn’t involve her own interests, she won’t do her own thing.
This is also where Zou Yi likes Jiangsu and Anhui very much.
Although the driver is sitting in the car in front of the narrow carriage, no one cares about it
After kissing Su Wan’s forehead, Zou Yi slowly grinds Su Wan’s cheek to the nose. Finally, his thin lips seal Su Wan’s soft lips. Two people embrace and kiss together. The driver in front of him looks like a heart. The car looks very harmonious at the moment.
By the time she got to the orphanage, Su Wan’s lips had become very gorgeous, but she didn’t care about these things. Instead, she told the uncle who guarded the orphanage directly after she got in the car.
When the uncle heard that he was coming to donate money, his face showed a look of surprise and he limped to the orphanage.
Su Wan and Zou Yi followed them into the orphanage, only to find that several employees in the orphanage were physically disabled. To be honest, when Su Wan saw the current situation of the orphanage, it was hard to believe that the director of the orphanage turned out to be the woman …
Judging from her willingness to hire disabled people, she should be a good person.
Su Wan’s thought is a very simple type. Immediately after she entered the hospital, she saw a woman in her forties who looked travel-stained and quickly came out, and behind her, she was followed by a dozen children, all dressed in rags and timid.
A dozen children are male and female, but they are all very thin in common.
As soon as Su Wan saw them, he couldn’t help but cherish them. When he saw some familiar faces again, he tried to hold them in his arms. Those children looked a little afraid of Su Wan’s appearance, especially when they saw Su Wan’s beautiful body and clean appearance. They couldn’t help but take a step back-they didn’t think Su Wan was terrible, but because Su Wan’s clothes were so clean and they formed a fresh contrast. They didn’t want to dirty this beautiful big sister’s clothes.
Su Wan doesn’t care about this. After seeing those children take a step back, he frowned slightly or did he not please them?
The travel-stained woman pulled a handful of children behind her and said, "I’m sorry, they are shy …" She finally pulled a person who was willing to donate money. Of course, she didn’t want to make any changes because of the children’s performance.
The children looked at each other and seemed to find this. One of the older children blushed and hurriedly explained that "it’s not like that … we are afraid that our bodies will dirty the big sister’s clothes …"
When Su Wan heard it, it was a pity.
She touched the child’s head and smiled at them. She said directly to the lady, "Are you …"
"I am the vice president of this orphanage …" The woman said with a slight embarrassed smile. "Our dean is out now and can’t receive you. I hope you don’t get angry …"
"Is the orphanage director the one who went to the charity auction today?" Sue wan a listen to can’t help but ask
The vice president heard the words and nodded, "I didn’t expect you to know that all the departments sold in this charity auction were drawn by these dozen little cute people, and they practiced many times secretly."
Hearing the vice president, Su Wan became more angry with the woman.
Fortunately, she happened to pass by and heard the conversation between the woman and the man. Otherwise, the money department was swallowed up by them, but there was nothing wrong with these children. However, Su Wan also needed to make a certain evaluation of the vice president before donating money.
She revealed a faint gentle smile. "I know that when I passed by early today, it seemed that the dean was arrested by the police."
The vice president listened to the whole person with a slight stunned face. "What’s going on?"
Chapter 229th Charity Auction (4)
Chapter 229
The expression on her face is immortal, and when she heard this, she also took a hint of inexpressibility.
Su Wan said his eyebrows. "Oh? You don’t even know about it? "
"… to tell you the truth, I didn’t know about this matter before my roots. I just learned about it from your mouth." When she said this, the vice president’s face was a little anxious. She muttered, "How could she be arrested …" Then she rushed to Su Wan and Zou Yi and revealed an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I may need to unite our dean now …"
"I know you go ahead. I’ll just play with the children here for a while." Su Wan said and took Zou Yi to see the orphanage.
This orphanage really looks very shabby, and it is normal to raise donations. If there is no problem with the director of the orphanage, the living conditions here will be improved soon. Unfortunately …
Su Wan left the pie mouth.
The world has never lacked those people who can give up everything with money.
There is an orphanage director today, and it may be someone else. Although Su Wan can’t find out one by one, she can still do it when she encounters this matter.
She and those children are familiar with each other, and they almost know what their hobbies are. They are very friendly when they get along with each other, and soon they get mixed up with them, but Zou Yi is different.
On weekdays, Zou Yi is a pair of high spirits. When he feels that his position is too long, the momentum is unnatural, and then he reveals it. He looks like a demon god. Although he looks very handsome, he does not win the favor of those children more than Su Wan. Even if no children are willing to talk to him, he can always stare at Su Wan and don’t feel like chatting.
There are no waves in Jiangsu and Anhui during this period. When you get acquainted with those children, ask about this vice president.
Although those children are also a little wary, they look at Su Wan’s appearance and finally tell them all about it.
When the vice president came back, it was almost half an hour later, and Su Wan had a preliminary understanding of the people and things here. In the mouth of those children, the vice president was a hard worker, and they even took out all their wages to subsidize good women. The vice president was very kind to them and took care of them as if they were her children. That’s not the case. The dean rarely came here once in a while, and he would scold the vice president and others for spending too much money, regardless of the living environment of the children.
Su wan wanted to think that it is more reassuring to give the money to the vice president.