"Baoshen type I comprehension growth, lasting growth, hardness growth, extra physical extension for 2 minutes, extra physical strength for 1 kg"

With the realization of Bao Shen type I, the strength of normal state in Su Li has reached 61 Jin and the physical strength has reached 113 minutes.
Now Su Li’s mind is thinking about which one to choose, the magic dance of the two spiritual source groups or the heavenly demon solution.
It’s hard to see what the effects of these two psychic arts are simply by looking at the names. Su Li’s judgment seems to be a simple comparison of the names. It seems that the heavenly demon solution is better and looks higher.
If it is the first time to choose these two spiritual sources, Su Li will choose to understand the heavenly demon solution with great probability.
However, his situation is different. He has mastered almost all three kinds of psychic arts, especially "devil muscle" and "monty sacred bone" which can produce special effects to make monty real.
Now, the name "dancing with demons" in these two kinds of psychic arts just happens to be that Monty really holds three kinds of psychic arts names, and both of them carry a magic word. What if "dancing with demons" can also produce similar bonus effects in the former psychic arts?
Therefore, if we simply compare these two kinds of psychic arts, he will choose the "heavenly demon solution", but after considering that he has mastered three kinds of psychic arts before, Su Li still chose "dancing with demons"
As Su Li chose, a new message rang out in his mind immediately.
"The first form of" group of demons dancing "is grasped and mastered …"
Then a series of messages appeared in Su Li’s mind. He felt that a new force was emerging in his body. He was mastering the spirit source technique of "dancing with demons"
He soon understood what "group magic flurry" was. It was a powerful group attack psychic skill, and his previous guess came true. But he mastered the "demon enchantment" and had a mutual addition effect.
The so-called "mob dancing" is actually to summon hordes of demons to attack from all sides, which is the most suitable in the battle of killing giant insects all around.
With the mastery of the first form of "dancing with demons", Su Li immediately put it to use.
As his mind moved, a huge circle circle larger than black appeared on the soles of his feet. This circle released a strong light, and one after another, a six-armed demon virtual shadow came.
These six-armed demons summoned by Su Li’s "demon boundary" all have six arms and six weapons, and they all look ferocious, ugly and ferocious.
However, they are all in a virtual shadow state, about five meters tall, with six weapons around Suri, and then rushed out in all directions.
"Demon Enchantment" ability Although the six-armed demon summoned by the main defense office has certain lethality, it is not strong.
But the six-armed demon’s virtual shadow summoned by this "group of demons dancing wildly" is different. Their main war against each statue is extremely tough and almost no weaker than that of the present Su Li, and their power will change with the strength of Su Li’s state.
The stronger the power released by Suli, the more powerful they will be.
Can you imagine that if Su Li is in the strongest state of Monty’s true body and displays this "dancing of the demons", then the power of the demons will reach an amazing level if they are rushed out in all directions?
Su Li looked at a statue of a demon’s virtual shadow waving six kinds of weapons, and roared out in all directions. The scene suddenly became chaotic. One after another, giant worms in Fiona Fang’s central point of 20 or 30 meters were immediately crushed and strangled by the virtual shadow state.
It’s almost a face-to-face encounter. The virtual shadow of these demons faded and disappeared. The "group of demons danced around" ended, and all the giant worms in Fiona Fang for 20 or 30 meters were killed. Su Li harvested dozens of spiritual sources in one breath.
This "mob dancing" is so powerful and overbearing that it can kill this area in an instant. So many giant worms also stunned Su Li, and then he got excited. This "mob dancing" is definitely the best ability to hunt monsters and harvest spiritual sources.
Whether he wields a black Lei Guang or a red crescent dragon, how can it be compared with this group harvesting giant worms?
"Once put into use, it really looks like a group of demons dancing around. It’s a bit interesting to choose this ability."
Su Li was so excited and busy that he rushed forward. He just cleared the giant worms in this area of Fiona Fang with a trick of "dancing with demons". He had to jump again and rush towards the oncoming swarms of giant worms.
From afar, two giant worms appeared at the foot of Lixiao Mountain, and they rushed towards them at a terrible speed. They gave way to make way for them to pass.
The 20-meter-long giant worm in one body is exactly the same as the one that Su Li killed yesterday. Obviously, this is a 19-level monarch Titan giant worm.
The other giant is much smaller, not even half as long as Titan, but this giant looks a little weird, like a beetle, but it has a face.
A pair of dead fish-like eyes formed on that face made people look at it, and a creepy feeling rose in their hearts, and they didn’t want to look at it.
These two giant worms are very fast, and the back of Titan’s giant worm has condensed, and there are gold pieces of magma bullets coming towards everyone.
The speed of this giant seems to be a little faster than that of Titan, and it soon overtook it and rushed towards everyone halfway up the mountain.
Su Li immediately caught the information of this giant worm with a face by peeking at the symbol pattern.
"Name: Zhizhi Insect Level 10 Race Abyss Zerg Zhizhi Insect is as deep as Titan Giant Insect. Compared with Titan Giant Insect, Qizhi Insect inherits the blood of Titan and three brains of wisdom gods. It has three brains, and it will die completely unless three brains are damaged. If the body is crushed, its brain can be differentiated from the body to escape. It needs enough flesh and blood to save its life. It can recover in a week. It holds a special ability called’ advanced will’. It is the powerful ability of these three brains to easily control opponents through’ high will’. It is more terrible to turn themselves into puppets or make each other commit suicide than to kill each other. It is more terrible than a wise worm can disintegrate an army. "
Sensing this message, Su Li’s face changed.
This intellectual worm is a ten-level monarch, and this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that it holds the special ability of "high will" to control people’s spiritual will puppet.
Su Li’s natural white spirit is the most terrible.
He immediately thought of Xu Xuehui as soon as he sensed this ability.
Xu Xuehui’s ability is also spiritual. It may take Xu Xuehui’s strength to crack the "high will" of this intellectual worm.
According to Xu Xuehui, although he has eaten two fruits of destruction, he will not be easily trapped or controlled by the dreamland after his mind has become much stronger, but he has no confidence in whether he can infect this "high will" Suligen.
When I saw the wise worm approaching Su Li, I quickly retreated. He wanted to find Xu Xuehui in the crowd.
And Wang Tianxian, Li Xinghai, Shi Dalong, and Shuilin beast all rushed out one after another.
This monarch-class giant worm is their favorite.
No, they, including Fulong and Gean, are getting stronger and stronger in reality, and they are also following suit.
"Xue Hui!" Su Li turned her head and immediately saw Xu Xuehui in the crowd. Then she rushed towards her and shouted at the crowd, "That’s called Qizhi Insect, which has the ability to control people’s spirit. Please be careful not to get close to it-"