Feather looked at her back and sighed introspectively, "She always moves faster than words."

"that’s my dear. where can you drool so much? But there seems to be a yin cold breath in that restaurant. "Charm suddenly appeared.
Feather a stare blankly eyes across the silent feather at the railing on the second floor of the restaurant. A middle-aged man’s gown is standing eagerly. After this distance of less than ten feet, he can still see his face’s sharp lines. Middle-aged men have noticed that they have smiled and feathered every other fuels. There is no memory of this person, but that person seems to know them.
Silent feather is, of course, noticed that Ying Ying reciprocated and walked on. This move was light and natural, and there was no superfluous exaggeration, which really made the middle-aged man’s eyes shine, but he didn’t know that Silent feather had been trained by Mrs. Silk knot as early as the princess and empress in the court.
"Your mood is lun again." The charm whispered in her ear.
"Shut up!" Feather bitterly scold him is a little annoyed that male eyes, but he also don’t know what will be annoyed.
Mo Yu’s face is still cool and calm, but it is still fuzzy and not calm. His eyes are slightly sideways, and his eyes are swimming in the blue sky and white clouds, but his expression is quite complicated. His eyes are staring straight at the desktop and he is swallowing from time to time.
Two carp circles, a circle of sheep nai tofu edges and three ru pigeon hearts spell "returning habitat"
There are three layers of blood bird’s nest piled up at the bottom of seasonal peach hua valve, and a "Linglong Tower" is built.
Chinese forest frog, the glutinous boiled juice with green stalks, runs through the juice in strips, and the black Y rice balls are dotted in the juice to float into a "pearl bridge".
Feather stunned since home is a small restaurant, and my father’s craftsmanship is really praised by fellow villagers. Have you ever seen such a beautiful and picturesque dish? S No, it’s simply art. It’s a three-course dish that has occupied two thirds of the desktop. Don’t ask, you know it’s a jing dish.
Compared with Mo Yu, it’s much more peaceful. What rare things have people from Tianshan Devil’s house never seen? The demon king and Mrs. Silk knot have always been people with high quality of life, and her elegant attitude makes the eyes of middle-aged men shine.
Feather found that his expression was different and he coughed heavily-even if he was stupid, he knew what the man was up to.
The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed and busy sorting out his mood and smiled gracefully. "It’s rude and abrupt to introduce myself to two people. My name is Qian Ji and I’m ashamed. I’m the leader of Lingfengtang. I’m here to accompany you this time. It’s not a misunderstanding that night. I hope you don’t mind walking in the Jianghu. It’s always good to have friends."
"LingFengTang? The name ing is familiar. Feather scratches her hair and always feels that she has forgotten something.
Mo Yu turned his head and stared at the man’s face. "Last night, we said’ I’m sorry’ for breaking the cabinet business."
"Ha originally fight with me last night is you? Can poison in food and wine take us down? This kind of three-way trick is also good to deceive people? " Feathering and propping up the table
Qian Ji waved his hand in a sarcastic way. "Brother misunderstood me and took advantage of my brother. This time I came to jia to be a friend."
Mr Feather white fingers gently ordered two feather desktop knowingly sat down again "that you want to do? Just say we don’t like beating around the bush. "
"Haven’t you asked the two names yet?"
"My name is Devil!"
"Brother’s name is really special, but it is different. What about the girl?"
"Xiang Moyu"
"Good name, good name, this word" Xiang "is the feather family? Sure enough, the feather family is extraordinary in a light posture. "
Thousands of machines are full of compliments, showing no effect. Silent feather’s eyebrows jumped inadvertently and wrinkled slightly, which is even more annoying. The fire in my heart went up and went up, but I really couldn’t bear to leave the table.
"Tell me what you want to say when you invite us here?" Toba, the hand of the feathered elbow table, is very resistant. He has already moved his index finger a lot. It is because this man talks endlessly about eating that the host family can’t chopsticks unless he moves.
Qian Ji smiled proudly, and jing Guang flashed in his eyes. "Qian Ji only inherited this Lingfengtang Jianghu from the master, and it can be regarded as quite a prestigious assassin group. But Qian Ji-ing is pregnant with ambition and doesn’t want to be relegated to the mountain hall. He really needs strong support. Last night, business was ruined, but I don’t blame two rare people. Qian Ji is a talented person, so I came to meet to see if it is possible for everyone to tell the truth. Brother, I am really congenial with the two of you.
Feather heard his head big. The man claimed to be a "thousand machine" to show his boldness of vision, and claimed to be a "brother" to befriend him. Is this man trying to oppress people or earnestly pleading? But he just wanted to attract them. He didn’t want to know that Mo Yu didn’t respond to feather, so he hung up a quiet expression and sat still with a faint smile.