Lin xi, Jr. held Fu Junfeng tightly and felt the heavy atmosphere at this time. Looking at Cheng Meng’s tears, he felt uncomfortable in his heart. Looking back at Fu Junfeng’s big eyes, he was very full of doubts. "Why is Mom crying?"

Lin xi Jr. has never seen the grave since he was so big. Of course, I don’t know what Cheng Meng is doing at this time. Fu Junfeng bent down to hold little lin xi in her arms and said softly, "This is a cemetery. It is where my father and brother are buried, that is, your uncle. He is also your mother’s good friend. Mom will be sad when she sees her."
Little lin xi nodded his head, stretched out his hand and grabbed Fu Junfeng’s neck and rubbed it in Fu Junfeng’s face and said, "Dad, don’t be sad. Uncle will protect us in heaven."
Fu Junfeng stretched out his hand and touched the little lin xi’s head and held his hand, and he couldn’t help but tighten it a few minutes.
At this time, Zhao Xiuer followed Cheng Meng and Fu Junfeng far behind the three men. She didn’t have the courage to hold her hands tightly in the previous step. Even though she disdained to shed tears before, her eyes were blurred by tears and she didn’t make a sound. She bit her lips intensely.
The whole heart is pulled tightly. Her first love is not yet her first love … Even if she can’t accept it anymore, she can’t believe it, but the truth is in front of her. At this time, she seems to be unable to do anything but cry.
Crying until her eyes were sore and her heart ached, but Zhao Xiuer just couldn’t help her tears until Cheng Meng got up and turned to leave. She panicked and wiped her face. Was it her red eyes or betrayed her?
Cheng Meng looked at her and couldn’t help but stare blankly. "Sa, are you okay?"
She has never seen Zhao Xiuer cry so much, even when the crew was filming.
Zhao Xiuer’s eyes flashed a cold and turned to the urn and said, "I’m all right. What can I do is that the wind on this hillside is too strong for my eyes?"
Looking at Zhao Xiuer’s dodge, Cheng Meng sighed slightly. Perhaps Zhao Xiuer’s feelings for Ah Yi are far more than that of a senior junior. Seeing Zhao Xiuer like this is even sadder than her.
It was cloudy, but Zhao Xiuer wore sunglasses to cover her red and swollen eyes.
Four people lift their feet and walk towards the outside of the cemetery. When they go outside, Fu Junfeng’s footsteps instantly stop their car, and their eyes flash across a sharp edge.
Cheng Meng certainly found out that something was wrong with him, looked up and asked, "What’s the matter?"
"Something’s wrong. The driver and the hand are gone."
Fu Junfeng words fall Cheng Meng instantaneous one leng look at their car direction.
I saw three cars parked there, where they sat and bodyguards to protect them.
The original Zhao Xiuer took off her sunglasses before she left behind them, and her face was full of vigilance. She glanced at the surrounding consciousness and blocked Cheng Meng from behind her.
"Sister Xiaomeng, be careful."
Zhao’s family lives at the knife edge all the year round. If she doesn’t even have this warning, she really doesn’t deserve to be Zhao’s family.
Fu Junfeng gave her a look, stretched out his hand and held Cheng Meng in his arms. He glanced at the parked vehicles around him and said, "Come out, don’t you feel wretched?"
Fu Junfeng words fell behind a few people to sneer at "obscene? I’ll take it as a compliment. "
☆, 122 with you (a watch)
A few people suddenly looked at a strange woman when Cheng Meng and Zhao Xiuer couldn’t help but stare slightly. Who is this woman?
Fu Junfeng’s eyes narrowed slightly when he looked at the woman with blond hair and blue eyes a few meters away. "Jennifer Kener seems that I didn’t teach you enough lessons when I respected the sun, and you dare to do things."
That’s right. At this time, Jennifer is opposite the four people.
Jennifer looked up and glanced at several people, and finally her eyes fell on Fu Junfeng. "I haven’t seen you for so many years, but your mouth is still as vicious, Mr. Fu."
Cheng Meng instantly knew who this woman was when she heard Jennifer from Fu Junfeng’s mouth.
Fu Junfeng looked at Jennifer’s eyes slightly narrowed across the street, and said, "It’s not just as simple as meeting you."
Jennifer looked at Fu Junfeng eyebrow eye cold meaning can not help but bite the teeth "Fu Junfeng, you are really a fickle widowed righteous man, really don’t miss a little old love"
Looking at her so talking to Fu Junfeng, Cheng Mengmei couldn’t help frowning and frowning, and her eyes flashed a trace of displeasure.
Fu Junfeng looked coldly at Jennifer’s eyes across the street and flashed a trace of impatience. He snorted and said, "I have always been fickle to people who have nothing to do with me, and I am not so familiar with you and have nothing to remember."
Listen to Fu Junfeng’s rude words. Jennifer’s eyes instantly turned cold. "Fu Junfeng, don’t be ungrateful. At the beginning, my grandfather fixed us up like that. You didn’t even give him a face. You have angered me. From now on, all the punishments you have received are your own fault."
Jennifer looked up at Cheng Meng and Xiao lin xi, and Zhao Xiuer’s mouth evoked a sarcastic smile and said, "It’s enough for you to accept the punishment yourself, but now you have to bring trouble to irrelevant people."
Fu Junfeng frowned at Jennifer and warned, "If you dare to touch them, try it?"
Jennifer snorted. "I moved them. What’s wrong with you? Are you-are you still in Zunyang city? This is my place now, and it looks like I have your hand now. "
Jennifer clapped her hands and then saw dozens of people coming out slowly behind Jennifer. Fu Junfeng’s driver’s hands were threatened by her with guns.
Fu Junfeng saw all this in his eyes, and his eyebrows sank slightly. "Oh, I really underestimated you."
Jennifer’s mouth leaked a smug smile. "Why are you afraid? But it’s a ceremony. The important thing is later.
After that, Jennifer pressed her Bluetooth headset and said to the person over there, "Come here."