Looking at Ma Yun’s more and more colorful eyes, zhangqian gently punched him with a beautiful eye and said, "Let’s talk about business later."

Ma Yun smiled, "I do have something, but I have already given birth. Now I regret that I can’t come, and I can watch it from the other side."
Zhangqian proved to be a curious baby and asked again, "What is it? See you regret it. "
"This wuyue, you must have heard people say, has been three generations since the founding of Qian Liu. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, our old horse family occupied half of Jiangnan West Road, and Qian Liu occupied half of Jiangnan East Road. Later, he gave his son Qian Yuankui and gave his son Qian Hongzuo. This young Qian Hongzuo was decisive and good at sizing up the situation. It is difficult for him to succeed in our big Chu. Alas, his life was too short. Before his death in June last year, he pushed his way to send troops into Fujian. Of course, there are. But at the age of seventeen, we dare to confront Li Tang, which really makes us admire him. After Qian Hongzuo’s death, his brother Qian Hongke acceded to the throne. According to intelligence, this man is brave and not Qian Hongzuo, so I returned immediately when I led an army to attack Quanzhou, which caused Qian Hongke to be wary. Unexpectedly, this man’s war decision was too strict, but it was a pity that he was mean and ungrateful, which made some leading figures in the army uneasy. For example, this whole army made Hu Jinsi feel a little domineering. Unexpectedly, Qian Hongke rebuked him face to face and suspected Hu Jin. As a result, Hu Jinsi was terrified and imprisoned Qian Hongqi with his men. This is a great opportunity. If I am not in a hurry to rectify the Lingnan army, if I can stop for a while, I am afraid that the army in North wuyue will be at your fingertips. What a pity! "
Ma Yun said, shaking his head. zhangqian held Ma Yun’s shoulder and said, "Husband, this is really a good opportunity, but can we wait for another one even if we lose this opportunity? We are still young. Hehe, then Qian Hongzuo was able to occupy Fuzhou when he was seventeen. Didn’t you fight Nanping when you were seventeen? In this way, you are better than them, and he is much better. Besides, our big Chu army is also a finger. That state is so strong that the city was called by us in less than a day. Hehe, with these strengths, what are you worried about? Didn’t anyone say that? Maybe we’ll get something else if we lose the east corner and get Sang Yu? "
Ma Yun squeezed her ass and smiled. "Well, I summoned Li Xiang and them to discuss and see if I can get some benefits."
"Li Aiqing, what do you think of this?" Ma Yun and Li Xiang asked slowly after reading the tip-off report.
Li Yi laughed. "It seems to be a good opportunity for the King, but the fact is that the money family has been in wuyue for more than 50 years. Some important counties such as Suzhou are controlled by Qian’s brother. Even if Wu Yuewang is abolished, Hu Sijin will not dare to stand on his own feet. How to say, he will find a Qian’s brother to accede to the throne. He looks very profitable, but I’m afraid he can actually control Hangzhou and Yuezhou, plus he is too old. He is forced to make this accident. If the new legislation is better for him, the situation in wuyue will be stable.
Ma Yun was told by him. After hearing what he said, he asked, "Unless what?"
"Unless there are two King Yue of Wu!"
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Chapter 7 South Escape from Fuzhou
As soon as Ma Yun reacted, he took the secret letter and read it carefully. This Hu Sijin was holding Qian Hong’s eyes and didn’t kill him&it’s an opportunity to read it quickly! Ma Yun got up and walked around the room. He looked at it with a smile and sat down with Li Xiang, trying to say, "Can we send someone to rescue Qian Hongjie?"
Li Xiang shook his head. "The king can’t come when Qian Hong’s brother Qian Hongyou is committed to rectifying the officialdom. In the past two years, the prestigious veteran in the army has been swept away. Although Hu Sijin is an old minister, he doesn’t have the prestige like Huo Guang. I think he will hurry to find another one from Qian Hong’s brothers. In other words, when the king besieged Qian Hong’s brother and went to the throne of Wu Yue, he would never drag on for three or five days.
Ma Yun sighed for a long time and shook his head. He said, "Well, after all, we have also occupied Lingnan. By the way, a few days ago, you saw that the Great Han Dynasty was a mess. It’s a pity that we are really short of food and grass now. Otherwise, Ding Sijin might be able to send troops to call China."
Li Xiang smiled at Ma Yun’s thoughts. How is it possible that he wants horses to run fast and don’t eat grass? He exhorted, "Your Majesty, we are not strong enough now. Although there are opportunities, there is no way for us to create opportunities in the future, even if there is no chance."
See Ma Yun still has some unfinished business. Li Xiang added, "Your Majesty, as you said last year, our national policy of Chu is to wipe out the south of the Yangtze River and then compete for the Central Plains. We should still make friends and attack the Central Plains, and focus on Li Tang. This wuyue can weaken it. That’s the best. If not, then we should also temporarily make good friends. That’s a big disadvantage for our Chu."
Ma Yun nodded. "We have offended Li Tang to the extreme this time. Fortunately, there is something wrong with their department. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to let Li Jing take it with us in Qianzhou. Although he is confused, he is not an idiot. We will not believe it even if we are nice to them again."
Li Xiang patted one hand and said, "Your majesty, this sentence has hit the nail on the head. As far as the current situation is concerned, Li Tang knows that we are up to no good even if he is stupid. Although he may not think that we will attack rashly, it is indispensable to guard against the heart."
Ma Yun’s eyes turned and smiled gently. "Haha, I’m afraid they didn’t have time to guard against Feng Yansi, but Chen Jiao returned to Jinling from Jianzhou, and the party morale suffered some blows, but it didn’t completely collapse. Didn’t we plant a tree for Cha Wenhui this time? Although Cha Wenhui went to Jinling, he was jailed, but the news will definitely give Chen Jue to keep an eye on the Zhang family, so we will have the opportunity to plant Zhou Zong. "
Li Xiang said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this is really a good idea. In this way, Li Tang won’t have time to rectify the army in the party struggle. Wait until next year, we will have the opportunity to shun Jiangdong."
Ma Yun laughed and was immersed in a bright future. At this time, Li Ergou came in with a letter and said, "Your Majesty Wu Yueyou sent a secret."
"Show it to me!" Ma Yunlian took two steps to drag the letter and couldn’t help laughing. "When luck comes, it can’t stop Li Aiqing. You see, Wu Qiong, they did a good job, and so did ancient Ban Chao."
Li Xiang knew that wuyue had changed again and hurriedly took the letter but met Wu Qiong, saying that they had safely rescued Qian Hongjie and were going south to Fuzhou by boat.
Li Xiang chuckled, "Your Majesty, this is really a happy event from heaven, but we don’t do anything to watch from the other side."
"eh? How does Li Aiqing say this? "
"Bao Xiurang, the king’s southeast pacifier, has 20,000 military forces, but the soldiers of the expeditionary army are tired and the whole army makes Hu Sijin take control of Hangzhou and Yuezhou. It is estimated that there are 40,000 troops, and the city is tall and well-fed. At first glance, Hu Sijin has taken over the wind. In fact, Qian Hongjin is Hu Sijin’s minister. If Hu Sijin wants to win, he must launch a new Wu Yue Wang and try his best to win troops in Suzhou and other places. All we have to do is to find a way to make wuyue turmoil last longer and wait for our
"Bao Xiu makes the army mostly a water army. Will he cross the sea and hit Hangzhou directly?" Ma Yun asked
"No, Bao Xiu won’t let the army have little food and grass, and the strength is not enough. Hu Sijin will also be prepared. I think Bao Xiu’s biggest possibility is to land in Ningbo today, and then the state center will call on Wuzhou Jinhua today, Chuzhou Lishui, Wenzhou and other places to besiege Hangzhou. But Hangzhou is the capital of wuyue, and it is not so easy to fight. I think this battle must be a long siege. If there is no sudden, Hangzhou will not be easy to break!"
Not to mention Ma Yun and Li Xiang, they gloated, but Hu Sijin in Hangzhou City was flustered. Yesterday, he bought off the palace eunuch. In other words, Qian Hong’s disappeared. He no longer cared about what ministers and ministers searched the palace upside down with the army. He didn’t find Qian Hong’s anger. He arrested many palace attendants in prison and tortured Qian Hong’s orientation torture. Either I really don’t know or I don’t know how to fight hard.
Wen Ma suggested that Qian Hongjie must be found out in the city search, which was scolded by Hu Sijin at that time. He is not an idiot. If people know about Qian Hongjie’s escape, then the wuyue civilian will not fall out and go to Hangzhou. He can control this civilian, but he won’t buy it. He wants to stabilize the group of civilian, and there is a way to quickly establish another king, and he will say that Qian Hongjie has died of acute illness, otherwise everyone will know that Qian Hongjie has died.
Hu Sijin scolded Wen, while Zhitao had a good idea. He suggested sending someone to Fuzhou with Wang Ling to transfer Bao Xiurang back to Hangzhou.
Hu Sijin slapped a thigh and said, "Yes, Qian Hongqi’s new surrounding officials may not be willing to give all his strength at this time. It must be Bao Xiurang’s best friend. If Bao Xiurang was tricked into being imprisoned in Hangzhou, the danger would be reduced. You immediately took the sea and went straight to Fuzhou. On this way, you should keep people to strictly check the ships coming and going. If Qian Hongqi wants to escape, he will definitely go to Fuzhou, but it will be a long way by land. Secondly, the state is now.
Tanabe nodded and followed the navy along the land and sea.
Even if you leave a message, it will be successful and creative. Please work hard!
Chapter 79 Bingfa State
Bao Xiurang’s residence, the southeast Anfu envoy, used to be the spacious and magnificent place of the King’s Palace in Fujian. The carved dragon stone pillars on both sides of the gate have long been removed and replaced by two majestic stone lions with a group of warriors on both sides.
In less than five years, there have been five owners in Fuzhou, and the frequent wars have made the people of Fuzhou miserable. To stay at a respectful distance from this transformed Fujian Palace, we can resolutely not pass through here without passing through this door.
But today, I don’t know if the sun came out in the west or if this man ate his ambition. A middle-aged man dressed in navy blue swaggered over.
"What do you do? I don’t know if this is an Anfu envoy’s yamen? " Before the middle-aged man approached, the soldiers standing at the door shouted.
The middle-aged man was not afraid to say, "Now it’s Lord Bao, so I’m here to visit!" "
The sergeant’s round eyes looked at him a few times. He saw that the style of this man’s clothes was not so good, but it was a good lake silk material. He must also be a Dafu and expensive family. His tone was slightly respectful and he asked, "Do you have any certificates? I’m afraid Lord Bao is too busy to see you. "
The middle-aged man smiled and approached, took out an ingot of silver from his sleeve and quietly handed it to the sergeant. He also took out a letter from his arms and said, "Please pass this letter to Lord Bao, and it will naturally become white after reading it."
The sergeant shook his hand and smiled. "You wait here for me to deliver this letter to Lord Bao. I can’t guarantee it."
The middle-aged man smiled "please please"
A while ago, the king of Chu sent troops to Quanzhou to make Bao Xiu feel quite nervous. Although Fuzhou has been taken by him, after all, it was too short. In case the north competed for Fuzhou, he really didn’t win. Fortunately, after the surrender, the king of Chu was satisfied and went back with his military forces.
He breathed a long sigh of relief before he slowly considered such things as rectifying, lowering the ranks and clearing people’s hearts. Although Fuzhou is adjacent to Wenzhou, wuyue, there is Xianxialing on land, which is so severe that it is neither suitable for army transfer nor for military food and pay transportation. Fuzhou Wu Yuelian relies more on the sea.
He was thinking about these problems when he heard the housekeeper outside the door say, "My Lord, there was a man outside the house today who claimed to be a good friend of yours and wrote a letter saying that you would know when you read it. Look …"
Bao Xiu made a sneer at the corners of his mouth. There is a saying that one person has a way to ascend to heaven. After his success, there are always some people who are not familiar with him who claim to be close friends. He laughed. "Bring it in and let me see who has a windfall."
He took the letter from the housekeeper and read it. It turned out to be a blank piece of paper, but there was a red seal on the white paper with the word "Baozheng". He got up and said to the housekeeper, "Please go to the hall in the future. I changed my official horse."
Qian’s foothold in Hangzhou is claimed to be a vassal of the Central Plains, but after all, it’s hard to get used to being the king of the Central Plains through Li Tang Tiangao Emperor. In 926 AD, the first year of Zongtiancheng in the later Tang Dynasty, Qian Liu once established its own title "Baozheng", which was not abolished until after his surrender. However, Baozheng Seal has always been personally managed by King Wu Yue and has been made.
Bao Xiurang’s heart was suspicious and he didn’t know what was going on in Hangzhou. He quickly went through the official and came to the hall. A middle-aged man stood upright with his hands and hands. Bao Xiurang coughed gently and walked in. The man surrendered and said, "Visit Bao’s adult in Wu Qiong, Hangzhou."