Su Xiuyong immediately showed an epiphany. "If this is the case, I’m afraid those prisoners are really in Shenshen Town. Maybe Pei Lao is one of the students who teach these days."

Pei Fengping looked a little surprised. He didn’t expect his guess to be true.
"No wonder General Wei Shao didn’t say a word after he returned to Beijing. General Wei Shao was deeply taught by the family precepts of the Wei family. If he was allowed to surrender, he would never promise, but now the people are living in the town of the gods. General Wei Shao naturally won’t disclose the news, but Wei Liangcai followed him when he returned to Beijing. Those generals didn’t go back to these people …" Pei Fengping frowned.
Take the game of life to the ancient section 118
"If there is no accident, these people should be incorporated into the guard. After this storm, they will quietly go to the capital to steal their families and live in the gods." Su Xiuyong said very calmly
"Steal? Grab? " Pei Fengping murmured and suddenly smiled, "I am so happy to steal my family and capture prisoners and put such words in this place?"
"Not only that," Su Xiuyong knew from Pei Fengping’s expression that he was happy to see this happen, and continued, "You must talk about stealing family members, robbing prisoners and rescuing people."
"It’s good to steal and rob. It’s all interesting and interesting." Pei Fengping waved his sleeve and smiled. "By the way, did they go out to rob people again this time?"
Su Xiuyong nodded. But everyone signed up for the Guard not only because the Guard can go out to rob people, but also because the Guard benefits are good. It was previously stipulated that if a guard can’t work after 5 years old, he will get a fixed salary before he works in the Guard until he is 5 years old. If there are accidents in this case, the old man and young children will be taken care of in Shenzhen, and he will still be paid according to his salary in the Guard until the old man dies or the child becomes an adult.
Pei Fengping murmured in a trance, "Everyone who is widowed, lonely and sick has something to support."
"Pei Lao’s policy is quite different." Su Xiuyong denied his words. "There is a saying in the ritual articles that’ an old friend is not alone in his relatives’ is to let people take care of each other. However, most of humanity is selfish, and it is difficult to achieve this even in Shenshen Town unless there is enough strength."
"It’s like the town of the gods?" Pei Fengping asked Su Xiuyong and asked himself.
"I didn’t believe in the country once, but now I want to have a country before I can have a good life in a town of gods. Their own efforts are part of it, and the shelter of the town of gods is indispensable." Su Xiuyong looked at Pei Fengping carefully. "Once I didn’t want to be an official, I was timid, and the court wanted to change its difficulties only by our ability."
Pei Fengping could not help but nod his head. At this point, he felt the same way with Su Xiuyong.
Although he once served as an official, he resigned voluntarily for similar reasons that Su Xiu never served as an official.
"Shenshen Town is blessed by a goddess, but I can see that some policies are mainly decided by the God-made adults." Su Xiuyong said seriously, "Pei Lao is afraid to teach fish to swim, but if Pei Lao is willing, he may be allowed to do some trivial things in Shenshen Town."
Pei Fengping frowned and hesitated.
If it was before, he would definitely veto it, but after "stealing and robbing", he suddenly became interested in Shenshen Town.
[Congratulations on the upgrade and repair (level 1) /1. Upgrade and reward the vintage carved queen bed *1]
[Congratulations on the player’s [repair] skill rising to level 1 and rewarding the lucky wheel *1 wall repair *1 antiquities repair *]
[Congratulations to the player for triggering the special branch line [which was approved by the official department] and was approved by Pei Fengping, the former official department. Please help the former official department to formulate a management scheme suitable for Shenshen Town. It is difficult for one year]
Chapter one hundred and thirty-nine Fairy apparition
Three signs?
Tian Tang just finished repairing what was in front of him, waiting for the repair skill to rise to level 1, but he looked up and saw three signs.
After a closer look, I found that the last skill upgrade was just at this time.
The new show is very simple to understand, but she really can’t figure out how to get Pei Fengping’s approval suddenly. At the moment, they didn’t leave soon, and they haven’t left Yangnan County yet. It is arguably impossible to cause an impact on Pei Fengping.
She looked back and soon found the possible reason. Now the situation is more likely, that is, the expansion of the guards in Shenshen Town.
May be PeiFengPing know something, changed the town of the gods, this just has such a show.
There are indeed some problems in the management of Yushen Town.
At present, there are many managers in Shenshen Town. The factory manager is Tian Jinhua. The trivial matters in Shenshen Town are managed by Mei Qi, Tian Taohua and Tian Hongcao, mainly by Li Erzhu and Lu Ying. Think tanks include Lin Chengfu and So Chol.
It seems that everything is well organized and arranged, but in fact, there are still many places that have not been done.
For example, although Li Erzhu is in charge of the guard, Lin Chengfu and So Chol are also members of the guard, but in fact, when things happen, they will still agree that the decision of the main guard did not really fall on Li Erzhu
Relatively speaking, Li Erzhu is more like an executor, just following orders and then executing them.
According to the current situation, there is nothing wrong with this way. After all, if you compare IQ, Li Erzhu is really different from Lin Chengfu and So Chol. The same thing falls into the hands of both sides, and the results of different decisions will be completely different.
Even in Tian Tang’s view, it is better to let Lin Chengfu and So Chol negotiate with each other before making a decision.
However, this way is suitable for the short term, but not for the long term. If Shenzhen wants to develop continuously, it must have a more perfect management system.
It is really difficult for her to do it by Tian Tang alone. After all, such a management body needs to be involved in all aspects of things, not only to put the right person in the right position, but also to confirm the coordinated follow-up promotion methods of different positions, and so on. It is necessary to pay attention to a set of established rules
Just as the guard recruits people, reasonable and perfect rules can not only make this team run smoothly, but also encourage everyone to work hard to keep the best people.
Tian Tang thought about it and looked at it again. This time, the requirement is [to formulate a management plan suitable for Shenshen Town], which means that this plan should not only be suitable for Shenshen Town, but also suitable for Shenshen Town.
In this way, it will be impossible to copy the official body of the present court, otherwise the development of Shenzhen will be the same as that of the present court sooner or later.
And it says [plan], and maybe the system will evaluate it after it is worked out
If the evaluation is really carried out, there may be a score, and the final score will determine the degree of completion.
Tian Tang took a look at the final difficulty. This difficulty level is [difficulty]. Obviously, she can’t complete the scheme by an ordinary scheme. The stronger the integrity of the scheme, the higher the degree of completion, and the richer the final reward.
Tian Tang is still a little greedy at the thought of the difficult level reward. It’s all here. If you can’t do it well, wouldn’t it be a blood loss if you can’t get the best reward?
Anyway, there is still a year to spend to make a suitable plan, and then after one year, when Shenshen Town grows stronger, it will invest to make the connection just right.
However, Pei Fengping’s Tian Tang intends not to tell her at this time for the time being. Although Pei Fengping has recognized the town of the gods, his understanding of the town of the gods is not deep enough. In this case, it is easy for his original identity to fall into a plan to optimize the official body, but even the optimized plan is still an official body rather than a plan suitable for the town of the gods.
Tian Tang took out a pen and paper to remember it for the time being.
Up to now, there are still many unfinished things in her hand.
[Linchun Mansion], [Loyal General] and [Official Department Shang] are all completed in one year. These three are arranged in order. At present, Linchun Mansion is the shortest and most important.
In addition, it is [Yangnan County] that the number of hungry people is less than%. It is not difficult to finish this in one month according to the current situation when it is still in progress.
The only problem is that the difficulty of [Yangnan County] is [difficulty], but according to the current situation in Yangnan County, she really can’t see where the difficulty lies.
Tian Tang wrote the words "Yangnan County" on white paper, followed by "Hunger" and "Number of people". It is required that the number of hungry people should be less than% of the total number of hungry people. If the number of people in Yangnan County is 5, then the number of people who have enough to eat and wear must be 4.
Road builders are still going on, and three meals a day are also being distributed with enough food to feed not only the workers but also their families. One worker can radiate one or two families, which is equivalent to one to three.
That is to say, there are three workers here, so it can radiate about 7/8 people, which is far from reaching the standard.
How to let the people in Yangnan County get enough food quietly is the problem that she needs to think about at present. It seems that it is not enough to reach enough people by building roads.
She wrote a lot of words on the paper, all of which were broken words without an accurate idea.
After writing the word "Yangnan" again, she suddenly remembered what to open the game panel.