Don’t say it’s a sword trace, even the whole monk in Tongxuan courtyard feels a horrible and murderous chill!

Group repair gasped at the air conditioning.
What a horrible shock wave!
Apart from Jian Zong, is there such a horrible sword tactic in the wild mainland?
"I know! The plough tutorial Peng was abolished by this firm but gentle way! "
Someone exclaimed one
Pang Lan Dao Jun was still holding the idea of going to the theatre, but after this firm but gentle generate, his back was a bit cold!
Consciousness Pang Lan, Dao Jun, sits in a dangerous position and looks dignified.
Lan Yue Dao Jun’s face changed slightly and his eyes narrowed gradually.
She is a dharma, a Taoist, and a gentleman. The realm is far more real than others!
This ink spirit has not yet exerted the true power of this firm but gentle, but even so, this firm but gentle has been enough to destroy everything!
Just now, the sword is eclipsed by this firm but gentle way, just like a child wielding a sword at random.
Next to the monk still feel heart trembling.
It is conceivable that the sword trace is in this situation!
He seems to smell death!
Sword trail pupil shrinks sharply, hands change continuously, and mana surges. Two hands condense into a huge mana sword!
"Give me a chop!"
Sword trace roars and waves a mana sword towards the oncoming firm but gentle!
A light sound
Almost inaudible.
The mana sword in the hand of the sword trace was cut into two pieces by the white and delicate firm but gentle!
And this firm but gentle almost no pause stab sword in the chest!
Sword sect spell this firm but gentle face unexpectedly milli resistance!
The sword trace looks ferocious, and the blue veins in the neck are exposed, and the eyes are full of resentment and unwillingness.
This shock wave may not be able to kill him, but it will inevitably destroy his flesh after entering the body!
He has never seen such a terrible shock wave even in Jianzong!
"I am unwilling!"
The sword track burst into a final roar.
When the sword trail had given up, there was a huge pull on his arm and he was dragged back directly!
The sword trace drifted and fell to the front of Jianzong.
Eyes turned to see a familiar figure blocking his front.
Sword trace spirit a flap.
His life hangs by a thread. Hang Qiuyu still came out!