
The wind zichen’s big sleeve shook with the shaking, and a virtual turbulence emerged, carrying 3,000 gates to a top cave.
It is Zichen’s cave!
Past boundary doors fell from the sky and fell into Zichen cave, hiding in the void and disappearing.
The passage to the world is ready, but choosing who to enter has always been a headache for Feng Zichen.
It’s not fair to choose anyone
Originally, he planned to choose Terran Tianjiao to enter the world. After all, the better the talent, the greater the achievement.
It is also safer to choose Tianjiao to enter.
It’s unfair, but the world is like this. How can it be fair?
Besides, it is customary to give preferential treatment to talented people, which is true of all ethnic groups in the wild. It is not fair to say that.
Not doing so is a problem.
But at the last moment, Zichen changed her mind.
Does he think Tianjiao is still Tianjiao after leaving the flood?
Besides, is it possible for the arrogant to go to the world?
Of course, these are all wind zichen’s thoughts. Whether it is true or not is still unknown.
What really changed his mind was that he suddenly thought of a problem.
Tianjiao is a place where Tianjiao has amazing luck besides extraordinary talent.
Tianjiao also!
This kind of people are born with great talent and enviable luck.
What kind of thing is a rare adventure for others, but it is commonplace for Tianjiao.
Otherwise, is it worthy of the name Tianjiao?
That’s the problem.
Their luck is given by the universe, but if they leave the universe for the world, who knows if there is any luck left?
If there’s anything, it’s all good.
If not, wouldn’t it be to die?
For the world, they are outsiders, and they will be targeted by the will of heaven and earth. If there is no fate, the degree of danger can be imagined.
Although the theory of homologous gas transportation in the vast universe is connected, isn’t the 3 thousand universe not connected with the vast universe? One by one, self-contained may not recognize the fate of the flood.
talk straight
Tianjiao is a ray of heaven and earth’s will. It may be promising to put it in a small place, but it is nothing to look at the whole universe
Because the protagonist in this world will always be a congenital demon, this is really favored by heaven.
No matter how strong tianjiao is, it can’t compare with innate ghosts and gods.
If the innate ghost goes to the world, it will certainly be sheltered by heaven, but it is not necessarily arrogant.
You have to wait until the passage of the universe is completely connected with each other, and Tianjiao can enjoy the same treatment as the universe.
It is with this in mind that Feng Zichen hesitated and decided to change the selection method.
He moved the 3,000-border gate into Zichen Cave and let all the undeveloped monks of Jin Xian go to look for it.
In this way, everyone is fair by chance.
Moreover, there is another advantage of this choice, that is, the world they choose must be the most suitable, and there are opportunities waiting for them.
Otherwise, they won’t find that correspond universe.
"Everything is ready!"
The mind moves, and Zichen’s mind surges out and covers the entire Terran territory.
For a moment, all the unfinished monks in Jin Xian disappeared in situ and were dragged into an unknown void by Zichen.
Avenue Zun is so strong!
"What is this place?"
When people came to their senses, they found that the environment around them suddenly changed, as if they were in a mysterious void, and they couldn’t help but feel scared.
A look at the surrounding faces are familiar terrans, which makes them even more frightened.
Who can quietly take their department away from Terran territory?
Is it the demon’s great avatar?
Doubt, fear, tension, anxiety and other negative emotions spread in everyone’s heart.
Timid has been shivering, unable to stop sweating, and what’s more, he knelt down and begged for mercy, which was simply thrown into the face of Terran.
Of course, some of them did well. After initial doubts and fears, they immediately calmed down and secretly looked around to find an escape opportunity.
This is a manufacturable material!
Feng Zichen did not show up, but looked at it coldly.
See his nervous expression;
Seeing kneeling for mercy, he showed disgust;
Seeing the calm analysis, he nodded secretly and was very satisfied.