The former monarch of Chihong told him that this is a kind of tracking secret in the ninth heaven. Pay attention to the mark to lock everyone’s approximate position and judge the ranking order from the end of the fifth heaven.

The closer to the end of the fifth day, the higher the ranking.
Now Sumo can see more than 190,000 figures, which means that nearly 900,000 immortals are closer to the finish line than he is!
The final ranking competition in the Nine Heavens knockout is who arrives at the stone tablet first and leaves a message.
This displayable ranking token is also important, and you can judge your position at any time and make corresponding choices.
For example, some monks can give up if they find that there are more than 100,000 people in front of them on the fourth day.
Su Mo put this token in the bag and looked at several monks in the distance.
These monks have not walked far towards this center, but they are already sweating and can’t bear their own sacrifices to resist the high temperature and flames around them.
"So this place is so hard?"
Su Mo was slightly surprised.
He flew in because he felt the temperature was slightly higher and didn’t feel abnormal.
You know, this flame can easily burn Xuanxian to ashes!
Even the high-order fairy environment will be hard to resist without the protection of magic symbols!
And Su Mo is ten violet. This body is no less than the magic weapon of congenital order!
He rose here almost without feeling.
Chapter two thousand one hundred and ninety He cheated!
In front of the palace square
"It’s worthy that the reincarnation of immortals is too fast to rush to the front!"
"What means is this? Where the wind hides, the wind howls and blows out all the surrounding flames?"
There were waves of wonder in the crowd.
You know, the wind helps the fire, but the hidden means of the wind can actually make the flame method close!
"Look over there, Taihua Immortal is not weak, ranking second at present!"
Seeing the immortal Taihua holding the fairy tactic in his hand and pointing it to the sky, a dark cloud appeared on his head and the rain poured down.
Taihua immortal galloped all the way towards the center of the first heavy sky.
This dark cloud was finally suspended, and the heavy rain kept falling over his head, and the surrounding flames were doused by the heavy rain before they got close.
"God, it’s amazing that the magical power of calling rain can control power so subtly!"
"More than that, if we call for rain, we will not be able to douse the flame inside."
Just as I was talking, I saw that there was also a monk who released the avatar to call for heavy rain, but the dark clouds were swept away by the fire before they condensed!
This scene caused a burst of laughter in the square.
These two reincarnated immortals have made many monks from all sides of the square fold by a little trick.
At present, the third place is the Great Jin Xian Guo Tie Han.
Ranked fourth is Shan Hai Xian Zong Yuefeng.
"It seems that the prediction of the land list of Yan Yang Xian Guo is quite accurate. Just entering the cloud nine, these people are far ahead."
"Hey, this person’s ranking has been promoted so fast!"
At this moment, there was an exclamation in the crowd.
They looked around and saw a crimson glow galloping in the flames of fire.
This glow is fast, and the body is actually burning with a slight flame. The whole person seems to be integrated with the surrounding flame world.
"It’s the competition list of Chihong Princess on behalf of Gankun Academy!"
"The Lord of Chihong County has cultivated the top achievement method of Yanyang Immortal State, Yanyang Mahayana Sutra, to control the flame power. Now, with the help of the power of the flame world, his speed has climbed to a new level!"
"I estimate that the monarch of Chihong, the first heavy day, is expected to rank in the top three!"
"That’s for the time being. There are four days behind."
Many monks watched the knockout and discussed whether people were buzzing or not.
Yun Ting in Zixuan Fairyland was staring at the mirror of the sky while drinking spirits, revealing a trace of ponder.
"This kind of test should be very interesting for you."
Yun Ting whispered to himself.
The most important purpose of his coming here is, of course, to personally make an appointment with the Soviet Union and Mexico.
There is another purpose besides that.
His sister spoke highly of Su Mo after returning from the election of Xianzong thousands of years ago, and often praised him in front of him, saying that this person had too many cards to be effective.
Yun Ting knew that her sister’s move was to motivate him not to slack off.
But his heart is still very not.
So this time, he wanted to see how much Su Mo means!
Although Yun Ting is arrogant and seemingly arrogant, he will try his best to be careless and dare not underestimate his enemy in every battle!
Watching Su Mo this time is to know yourself and know yourself.
"Look at the dead people over there!"
At this time, the crowd came to an exclamation.