Chapter four hundred and forty-three Refining treasure again

Nuwa was not angry but asked in a low voice
After all, the advantages of this matter outweigh the disadvantages for Feng Zichen. It can be said that if he marries Chang ‘e, it will mean less struggle for several years.
This is the reason why the number of monsters in the wild can’t rob the scalp, and Nu Wa can’t think of the reason why Feng Zichen refused
"This …"
"My granddaughter Ao Xue is very good!"
Wanted to think the wind zichen truthfully said
He is restless. How can the Terran stay honestly for tens of thousands of years? He often appears in the East China Sea in this period.
In a few cases, it is more important to ask Zulong about the difficulties of practice or to travel with Ao Xue to practice. It is also necessary to pay attention to the combination of work and rest.
And during this period, they loved each other, and their feelings were rapidly heating up. If it weren’t for the wind, Zichen feared that she would have kissed Zulong.
But even so, Feng Zichen has made up her mind to tell Aoxue what she has done after the Lich’s robbery.
Because only then can the other side play a game among all beings and chess saints on the top of the universe.
Instead of being tied behind your back like this, you can’t help it many times.
The lich’s future will be uncertain if he doesn’t finish the robbery. If he can give people a promise.
When a man faces his lover, he wants to give her the best whether he can do it or not.
But the plan can’t be changed. His side hasn’t shown his heart like Ao Xue, and Nu Wa has been forced to get married there.
"What reason should I be!"
"So it is!"
"I didn’t expect you to be a romantic!"
Knowing the reason why Feng Zichen refused, Nu Wa couldn’t help feeling a little funny.
How important is he?
It’s been a long time, but it’s a trivial matter?
"This matter is easy!"
"Since you can’t let Aoxue go, let’s marry together!"
Nuwa smiled and decided directly
If it were anyone else, he wouldn’t say so.
Whether it’s Ao Xue or Chang ‘e, it’s a great blessing that few people can marry one, and it’s simply wishful thinking to dare to expect two women to serve a husband together.
But Feng Zichen is different!
His identity
Enough for him to have it all!
Since Pangu’s creation, although there are not many innate sacredness, many saints also have six mixed-yuan pick Jin Xian, which is not without it.
But there is a wind in the road, and Zichen is the only one.
At the same time, I get three favors from heaven, earth and people. This is a big accident!
What’s more, Zichen has a heavenly posture!
He is the most promising successor to the throne of Heaven after Di Jun, and also the most suitable successor to the throne of Heaven in the flood law.
Such a distinguished position is not only to marry two people, but also to marry a few more people
Just ask the other party to promise.
If Wang Shu is always willing to marry Yu Fengzichen, let alone with others.
But she is Chang ‘e now, which makes it possible.
The only trouble now is Aoxue.
Try to get her to agree to it.
But this can’t beat Nu Wa.
He was not only a saint, but also the first matchmaker in the wild, Di Jun Wang Shu, who got married. It was he who said that the marriage was presided over by him.
He has experience in this matter.
"Empress, this is not appropriate!"
When Nu Wa heard that he would give up his Chang ‘e marriage, she didn’t expect that Nu Wa not only didn’t give up, but let him marry together.
This coquettish exercise really makes Feng Zichen a little confused.
"Nothing is inappropriate!"
"You don’t care about this matter, just leave it to me!"
Waved to shut up the wind zichen nuwa stared his one eye and said